tEN YEARS. TEN ASSETS. and Why they matter.

Scroll below for the Liberatus Ten Year Report.

Mission: Inspire American Unity

The Liberatus mission is to create a culture of American unity for the next generation by producing content, experiences, and leaders that inspire it today.

At Liberatus we hope to inspire lifestyles where we become stronger leaders who make our country more just and free. Based on what we’ve created and firsthand experience, I believe we can do so when we collaborate, build trust, and build endurance. And endurance isn’t nice. The mission survived a totaled car crash, a pest infestation, a breakup of a church community, a global pandemic, gig economy wages, a traumatic brain injury, and fourteen housing units. Governing the US should be an endurance adventure, not a culture war. Thank you for being part of the journey.

-Caleb Paxton, Liberatus Founder | Romans 8:17; II Timothy 1:7 | 01-14-2025


The assets we created

  1. The Philosophy of Freedom in Political Engagment.

    Liberatus was born out of burnout and frustration with the status quo based on firsthand experience, and a desire to accept the abundant life Christ offers—in American politics. The Philosophy of Freedom in Political Engagement was the first outlined statement of how we think the kingdom of God offers relief, life, and a better foundation.

  2. The Values of Freedom, with action statements.

    We say we fight for freedom in politics—but what many have experienced is that political culture is intentionally dysfunctional. We can self-govern the United States when we continually check back in with the values we say we believe in—and take action to live them.

  3. The Liberatus Archive, from the first 18 months of weekly publishing and more than 100 journal entries.

    Starting matters—and the Liberatus Archive as a body of work is a monumental exploration of how we can resist burnout and renew our sense of purpose.

  4. Volume One

    Volume One advocates for refugees, the displaced, and marginalized, and going print made it possible to elevate the craft of storytelling—connected to policy-making—and include Americans across the country by offering a tangible, relatable product. Organizationally, it opened the door to becoming financially sustainable.

  5. Issue 019: The Trailhead—Leadership for American Unity

    Like endurance, unity isn’t nice. The Trailhead is a journal series that articulates the essence of unity and why unity is the original founding ideal, going all the way back to the “Join, or Die” cartoon published by Benjamin Franklin in 1754.

  6. The Leadership Journal

    Forward movement for the mission will hinge on building a team of leaders. After Volume One’s completion, ongoing content on leadership will be critical for building a high-peforming team and not only elevating the craft of storytelling to inspire and inform solutions but also to help us all perform at our best in politics and lead teams that thrive.

  7. The Leadership Library

    The Leadership Library showcases the works on creativity and leadership that have shaped Liberatus, and offers future leaders a list of necessary reading.

  8. Build Endurance: A Refreshed Vision Overview After 7.5 Years

    With Volume One’s completion, the Build Endurance document offers a picture of where Liberatus can go over the next 40 years.

  9. Funds to partner organizations

    When copies of Volume One are claimed here on our website, 20% of those funds go to Border Perspective and Refuge Coffee Co. During the original Refuge campaign in 2017, we also contributed $500 of the funds we raised to Peace City Church to establish a benevolence fund and help a genocide survivor rebuild his life in the US.

  10. How To Lead Free People: 95 directives on how to collaborate, build trust, and build endurance in American politics compiled by the Liberatus writers since 2015

    The Liberatus Archive not only includes thoughtful perspectives from writers across the spectrum—it’s also filled with other sources and specific action points. The paper offers 95 of them and serves as a clear guide for how to be and become strong leaders who make our country more just and free.

Internal assets include the Liberatus writing guidelines, a style guide, 100+ pages of detail on Liberatus branding, leadership, and culture, vision notes for volumes two, three, and four, and the leadership council application.

liberatus at TEN years

*Numbers reflect a change from the seven year report in 2022. The average funds donated per calendar year, 2015-2024 is $12,171.93. Thank you!


Copies of Volume One claimed

251 (+67)


Crowdfunders giving more than the $55 ask for one copy


States represented by supporters

21 (+1)


Lifetime funds contributed to partner organizations

$696 (+$196)

Lifetime donors

133 (+15)


Total writers published out of 61 content contributors

19 (+1)


Number of full-time staff employed to produce these results:





thank you, stakeholders!


If you believe in creating a second decade of the mission, write to us using the form at the bottom of the page.


Border Perspective Founder Yonathan Moya, Emma Voigt, and Caleb Paxton at the US-Mexico border, June 2019. Photo by Ana Waltschew.