Lead for American UnitY
Join the Liberatus Leadership Council
A leader is someone who acts on a vision to better humanity.
Take your passion to make the world a better place, your leadership skills, and endurance mindset to new levels by actively moving the mission to inspire American unity forward as a member of the Leadership Council. You can also read more about the values that drive us as we create a culture of American unity for the next generation.
Notes on building the Liberatus team of leaders to inspire American unity, from founder Caleb Paxton. The video includes an overview of who inspires Liberatus as an organization, how self-rejection is the nature of conflict, the mindset required to run ultramarathons and the Liberatus build endurance culture, how we talk about and define the problem we are solving as an organization, what wisdom means in politics, what our core values look like in action, who we serve and how each of our stakeholders serve each other, pursuing artistic excellence, why building a team of leaders is essential for us to reach the goal of biannual publication, breaking founder syndrome, the creative direction and limits we've set for ourselves, what good mentorship looks like, a thank you to everyone who has been part of the mission so far, why achieving the goal would be monumental for the next generation, and finally, how to join the team going forward. You can apply to join the Liberatus Leadership Council below!
Vision: American unity
Mission: Create a culture of American unity for the next generation by producing content, experiences, and leaders that inspire it today.
Goal: Publish a high-quality, biannual illustrated journal and give 20% of the funds donated per copy on the Liberatus website to partner organizations* creating a culture of American unity across the United States.
how we get there: The Spirit of Endurance
The mission of Liberatus is first an invitation to a new mindset: the spirit of endurance. It’s about risking a new adventure and having the guts to stick with it no matter what. It’s about running your own race regardless of what others are doing and pushing yourself through pain after 27 miles to finish the course. It’s the commitment it takes to start writing a novel and see it through to publication, and it’s the consistency of creating a work of art without any guarantee of financial reward. It’s the determination to use the power you have to create the culture you believe in for the next generation. It’s how we’ve made it seven years so you can join us. Having the spirit of endurance builds wealth that’s more valuable than gold.
Joining the Leadership Council is the entry point to bringing the mission and goal to life. To discern if it’s a fit for you, take your time reading about what we do on the donate page, and take the discernment survey below. Rate each statement on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being high, and see how high you rate the statements overall, or which ones you rate the highest. Then spend several hours praying in nature or contemplating whether to join us, and you’ll know if creating a culture of unity in the context of Liberatus is part of your vocation too. Peace be with you!
Thank you for exploring whether the Leadership Council is right for you!
Since 2015, all of the Liberatus stakeholders have created a new and beautiful culture in how we think, interact, and create together in American politics. A culture of American unity is an endless pursuit, and my hope is that we aren’t driven by anxious activism but rather by a sense of purpose because of the love that God has for us—that of course is the daily challenge of the mission, and it’s why we pray in nature.
There are many layers of nuance to the mission to inspire American unity, and with a deeper contemplative faith view, artistic excellence, and congressional-level policy research, which you can find in the pages of Volume One and future volumes, we are remaking the way that we organize in American politics. The challenge of our time is to create a culture where we make our country more just and free when we collaborate and build trust. When we speak with an organized but diverse voice to say that the pursuit of unity matters, we use our power wisely and respond to current events from a place of wisdom and compassion.
Think of Liberatus as a grandchild of the National Geographic Society and the Center for Action and Contemplation. The creative cycle that we follow to produce and then distribute each volume means that we can develop and strengthen leaders for American unity. So, if you’re ready to push yourself to your next professional or creative PR, I’m eager to welcome you onto the Leadership Council!
The phoenix rises from the ashes to new life, and there are sources online that say that the early Church used it as a symbol of Christ. Creating a culture of unity means the death of the cycle of dysfunction, and that will first change us on the inside as we pursue the life of the risen Christ more. It won’t be easy—but choosing it on purpose is the meaning of endurance.
Build endurance, and welcome to the Liberatus Leadership Council,
-Caleb Paxton, Liberatus Founder
PS: You can view a full overview of my professional work history on LinkedIn. To view the leaders, creators, and their works that have shaped me as I build Liberatus, view the Leadership Library at the button below.
A deeper sense of your leadership values and how you apply them to create value for others
Stronger ties to your local community
A deeper understanding of how we can inspire American unity, working at the intersection of contemplative spirituality and political organizing
A space to improve your artistic skills, including knowledge of story structure and how to connect it to the story of God in order to make political communication intellectually honest
A new physical or creative PR as you push yourself to the next level in life, and connection with others who are doing the same
An opportunity to respond to the challenges of our time, build and grow with Liberatus in the early years, and to create a culture of American unity for the next generation
Application Process
Applicants for the Liberatus Leadership Council will be selected based on the current size of the group and overall fit as we work to build something bigger than ourselves. The sequence of steps to join us will include:
1. Introductory conversation and application (in either order), including setting up your recurring donation (see below)
2. Liberatus evaluates fit, makes decision to move forward or not. (May ask for resume, references, etc.)
3. Applicant reviews and provides feedback on current articles related to leadership
4. Applicant and Liberatus make another decision about moving forward
5. If we move forward we will set up an onboarding experience. Your participation on the council will last for one year from the date of onboarding.
6. We will establish how and when we will connect once applicants are approved. Participation on the council will include: A: discussions on the fundamentals of leadership; B: how to advance American unity in your community; and C: action points for Liberatus, with an emphasis on outreach to your network to put more copies of each graphic editorial into readers’ hands.
7. After one year, Liberatus and participants decide on either a formal role with Liberatus or participants take what they’ve learned about leadership and creating a culture of unity in a political context into another role elsewhere in order to advance American unity in whatever capacity best fits their passions and calling.
Open formal roles encompass writing, photography, editing, graphic design, community building, and outreach, and they include positions such as board members, officers, race director, ambassadors, and mentors.
To cover some of the costs of the leadership development experience and content you will receive, Leadership Council participants will raise or donate $5,000 in their first year and will make regular recurring donations after that to to remain active, or produce the equivalent value in content creation. Please set up your recurring plan here and outline in the final question below how you will raise any additional funding to reach the $5,000 commitment. For content creators, we will share our guidelines on measuring the value of works created after signup.
Leadership council application
We recommend pasting your responses into this form after writing them in a Word document.